From: Thursday September 7, 2023, 7:00 am
To: Thursday September 7, 2023, 6:00 pm

Thanks to Chairman John Ross and CEO August Stevens of the Ang-Gnarra Aboriginal Corporation - we are able to take you on this amazing trip, along the Peninsula Development Road to some of the earliest Australian Indigenous Artwork accessible!

Picnic and Paint - The Quinkan Caves
Leading this amazing trip will be our Australian Watercolour Muster Curator - Artist Wyn Vogel and Artist Richard Tiejun Chao
You will have time to:
- Explore 3 different Rock Art Sites - 'Giant Horse Rock' | 'Mushroom Rock' | 'Dandy Creek Rock'
- You will be able to watch Artist Richard Tiejun Chao - sketch and photograph one of the Indigenous Owners of the Quinkan Caves in preparation for his Workshop back at the Cairns Court House Gallery on the Friday 8th September 2023 - already available and booking up fast!
- We will talk with the CEO - August Stevens about the history of the sites and what they know about their Ancestors the Ang-Gnarra People from this remote area of Queensland Australia.
Your Ticket - suitable for people who can walk over bush tracks only - includes:
- Meet at 6.45 am and pick up by the Cairns Charter Bus Co - 7am leaving - 7th September 2023 in front of the Cairns Court House Gallery
- Comfort stops along the way.
- Please bring a hat and comfortable walking shoes - we will provide bottles of water for you - but you are welcome to bring your own fruit juices or other drinks and snacks - but please note you will not be able to eat in the bus
- Entry to the Quinkan Caves - cost of this Ticket included
- Morning Tea - this will include a sample of the Mungallie Creek Dairy Yogurts and a selection of bakery items, catered for by our food approved Catering Company from Cairns - 'Gathar' - Water provided, please bring flavoured drinks of your own choice if you prefer these to water, and
- Individual Gourmet Lunch Treats - again catered for by 'Gather' in self contained serving boxes for ease of a 'Picnic' on the Trail 🌞 ...... Note: Pictures are sample only of the catering capability of Gathar - but lunch will include a Turkish roll with meat and vegie options - we will ask you on your booking to let us know any food allergies please!

Click the Maroon Button Below to Book for the
Bus Trip to the Quinkan Caves
To park and catch the Bus to the Quinkan Caves - please check parking around the Court House Gallery - Cairns
Please refer to the very detailed access information provided by the Cairns Regional Council for access to Court House Gallery Parking

Sorry: Event is Fully Booked
Quinkan Caves
1 Peninsula Developmental Rd, Laura QLD 4892
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